Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK

Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK

Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK

Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
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Coupon:before{content:”;font-size:20px}. Coupon:after{content:’Off';font-size:12px;position:absolute;bottom:8px;right:12px}. Title{min-height:12px}p:empty+hr{display:none}hr+span. Dc_tracker_img{display:none}#ds_div>. Dc_tracker_img:last-of-type{display:block} [data-lid=”381476762399″]. Title:after{content:’10 Pcs Seasky Dental High Speed Turbine Handpiece Push 4Hole Fit NSK PANA MAX CE’}[data-lid=”381476762399″]. Coupon:before{content:’50%’} [data-lid=”223563227687″]. Title:after{content:’NSK Style Dental Slow Low Speed Air Motor Handpiece E-Type 4Hole Yabangbang’}[data-lid=”223563227687″]. Coupon:before{content:’50%’} [data-lid=”190777047568″]. Title:after{content:’Dental Detachable Handpiece for Woodpecker EMS Ultrasonic Scaler HW-3H CE’}[data-lid=”190777047568″]. Coupon:before{content:’50%’} [data-lid=”200701358017″]. Title:after{content:’5Dental Low slow Speed Contra Angle handpiece Latch 1:1 attach Fit NSK SEASKY’}[data-lid=”200701358017″]. Coupon:before{content:’50%’} [data-lid=”200745426850″]. Title:after{content:’Yabangbang Dental High Speed Turbine Handpiece with 4 Hole Quick Coupler fit NSK’}[data-lid=”200745426850″]. Coupon:before{content:’50%’} [data-lid=”190494663418″]. Title:after{content:’10pcs USA NSK Style Dental High Fast Speed Handpiece Push Standard 4 Hole SEASKY’}[data-lid=”190494663418″]. Coupon:before{content:’50%’} [data-lid=”200605237075″]. Title:after{content:’10Seasky Dental High Speed Turbine Wrench Handpiece Push 4Hole fit NSK Pana Max’}[data-lid=”200605237075″]. Coupon:before{content:’50%’} [data-lid=”190515850526″]. Title:after{content:’Dental Woodpecker iLed Style Curing Light 3 Second Resin Cure Lamp Cordless LED’}[data-lid=”190515850526″]. Coupon:before{content:’20%’} [data-lid=”190754595317″]. Title:after{content:’US Dental Lab fit Marathon Electric Micro Motor 35000 RPM Handpiece Polishing N3′}[data-lid=”190754595317″]. Coupon:before{content:’20%’} [data-lid=”190475649350″]. Title:after{content:’10X Turbina Dental High Speed Handpiece Surgical Turbine 4 Hole Fit NSK SEASKY’}[data-lid=”190475649350″]. Coupon:before{content:’20%’} [data-lid=”190857816821″]. Title:after{content:’Wireless Dental Intraoral Oral Camera HD 1080p WIFI Endoscope Teeth Mirror IP67′}[data-lid=”190857816821″]. Title:after{content:’10 Pcs Seasky Dental NSK Style High Speed Turbine Handpiece 2 Holes Borden USA’}[data-lid=”200902476907″]. Title:after{content:’USA Dental Fiber Optic LED E-generator High Speed Turbine Handpiece 2Hole Borden’}[data-lid=”200753039234″]. Coupon:before{content:’42%’} [data-lid=”190666384928″]. Title:after{content:’Dental Lab Marathon-III Electric Micromotor +Contra Angle Straight Handpiece SA’}[data-lid=”190666384928″]. Coupon:before{content:’20%’} [data-lid=”190508579233″]. Title:after{content:’4-Holes Dental Inner Water Spray Low Slow Speed Air Motor Handpiece E-type WY4′}[data-lid=”190508579233″]. Title:after{content:’Dental Lab MARATHON Micromotor Polisher w/ 35K RPM Polishing Handpiece 35,000 SA’}[data-lid=”190668645751″]. Coupon:before{content:’20%’} [data-lid=”200768725053″]. Title:after{content:’Dental Lab Marathon Electric Micromotor Polishing Unit + 35K rpm Motor Handpiece’}[data-lid=”200768725053″]. Coupon:before{content:’50%’} [data-lid=”221912567147″]. Title:after{content:’Dental LED Ultrasonic Scaler Handpiece HW-5L Detachable For Woodpecker/EMS kv’}[data-lid=”221912567147″]. Title:after{content:’USA Dental Fiber Optic LED E-generator High Speed Turbine Handpiece 4 Hole UDM4′}[data-lid=”190509980005″]. Coupon:before{content:’50%’} [data-lid=”200712517064″]. Title:after{content:’Dental Lab Marathon-III Electric Micromotor +Contra Angle Straight Handpiece KY’}[data-lid=”200712517064″]. Coupon:before{content:’50%’} [data-lid=”200578909360″]. Title:after{content:’Dental Lab MARATHON-III Micromotor Electric 35K RPM Polishing Handpiece For N3′}[data-lid=”200578909360″]. Coupon:before{content:’50%’} [data-lid=”190776546143″]. Title:after{content:’Dental Occlusal Mirror Fog Free LED Intra Oral Photo System 4Mirrors Anti-Fog d’}[data-lid=”190776546143″]. Title:after{content:’10 Turbina Dental High Speed Handpiece Surgical Turbine 4 Hole Fit NSK Pana Max’}[data-lid=”190490985142″]. Coupon:before{content:’20%’} [data-lid=”200701335981″]. Title:after{content:’10 Pcs Seasky NSK PANA MAX Style Dental High Speed Turbine Handpiece Push 4Hole’}[data-lid=”200701335981″]. Coupon:before{content:’50%’} [data-lid=”225574185403″]. Title:after{content:’NSK Style Dental High Speed Handpiece Turbine/ Quick Coupler Midwest 4Hole UK’}[data-lid=”225574185403″]. Title:after{content:’Kavo Style Dental LED E-generator High Speed Turbine Handpiece / 4H Coupler UK’}[data-lid=”204334664823″]. Title:after{content:’Dental Fiber Optic LED E-generator Turbine Handpiece /4 Hole Quick Coupler YDKKM’}[data-lid=”225574154331″]. Title:after{content:’NSK Style Dental Inner Low Speed Straight Nosecone Handpiece Air Motor 4 Hole UK’}[data-lid=”385594719658″]. Title:after{content:’Dental Fiber Optic LED Air Turbine Handpiece 6 Hole Quick Coupler fit Kav UK’}[data-lid=”225565639436″]. Title:after{content:’NSK Style Dental High Speed Turbine Handpiece Push Big Head 2/4Hole Cartridge UK’}[data-lid=”385594548012″]. Title:after{content:’NSK Style Dental Inner(LED) Slow Low Speed Contra Angle Handpiece Push E-type UK’}[data-lid=”204325667938″]. Title:after{content:’5NSK Style Dental Slow Low Speed Contra Angle Handpiece E-Type Latch Black UK’}[data-lid=”385580324884″]. Title:after{content:’1-20Dental 4 Hole Quick Coupler for E-generator LED Turbine Handpiece YDKKM UK’}[data-lid=”385580012340″]. Title:after{content:’NSK Style Dental Low Slow Speed Handpiece Air Motor E-type 4 Hole EP4 UK’}[data-lid=”204320680871″]. Title:after{content:’Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece/4H-6H Coupler SANDENT UK’}[data-lid=”204320626295″]. Title:after{content:’KAV Style Dental Low Speed Handpiece Kit Contra Angle Straight Air Motor 4H UK’}[data-lid=”204320529943″]. Title:after{content:’Dental Ultrasonic Piezo Scaler LED Handpiece 2Bottles 5Tips fit Cavitron EMS UK’}[data-lid=”385577737379″]. Title:after{content:’Kav Style Dental Fiber Optic LED Air Turbine Handpiece E-generator 2/4 Hole UK’}[data-lid=”204316558297″]. Title:after{content:’LED E-Generator Fiber Optic High Speed Handpiece w/ 4H Coupler Fit KAV YDKKM UK’}[data-lid=”204316505520″]. Title:after{content:’Dental Internal 1:5 (LED) Contra Angle Handpiece for KAV NSK w/ Red Rings UK’}[data-lid=”225549568046″]. Title:after{content:’Kav Style Dental Fiber Optic LED Turbine Handpiece / Quick Coupler 4/6 Hole UK’}[data-lid=”225549543176″]. Title:aftercontent:’Dental Apex Locator Endodontic Root Canal Finder 4.5\\.
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
NSK Style Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece 4/6H Coupler

NSK Style Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece 4/6H Coupler

NSK Style Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece 4/6H Coupler
NSK Style Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece 4/6H Coupler
NSK Style Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece 4/6H Coupler
NSK Style Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece 4/6H Coupler
NSK Style Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece 4/6H Coupler

NSK Style Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece 4/6H Coupler
This is a dental High Speed turbine handpiece which can be used on any global standard equipped dental chair. Its quick coupling connector matches with NSK handpiece of the same model. Fastidiously request for designation, technology and materials. Slide-proof, comfortable to hold and easy to clean. Burs would be easily changed with the push-button. Offering a better eyeshot and angle, improving your efficiency. High density cartridge, with high cutting efficiency but less vibration and noise. Both handpiece and quick coupling are autoclavable. Should be professionally used by dentists to diagnose, cure and operate on patients’ teeth. Chuck type : Push Button 2. Working air pressure 0.25MPA 3. Rotate Speed:250,000-350,000 r. Air Pressure:0.22-0.3 MPa Water pressure: 0.1-0.2MPA 5. Chucking power:>30N 6. Applicable Bur:? 1.595-? 1.600 7. Head diameter :? 10.3MM Handpiece hight : 11.7MM. Instead of extra supply. Clear view with day-light LED. Fit NSK 4H Quick Coupler. Head size:Ø 10.6 H14. Bur size:Ø 1.6. Torque:0.18 -0.21 Nm. Air Pressure:0.22- 2.5 MPa. Rotate speed:300,000 – 400,000 r. This is a dental Fiber Optic High Speed turbine handpiece which. Chuck type : Push Button. Air Pressure:0.22-0.3 MPa. Applicable Bur:? 1.595-? 1.600. Head diameter :? 10.3MM. Handpiece hight : 11.7MM. This is a dental Fiber Optic High Speed turbine handpiece which is Fit NSK Coupler. Antisuction design:Prevent water or air back to Handpieces. The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U. Food and Drug Administration and state and local regulatory agencies. You feedback is VERY important to us! We strive to exceed all your expectations and put a smile on your face. We stand behind our products and pride ourselves on OUTSTANDING customer service.
NSK Style Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece 4/6H Coupler
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece/NSK Quick Coupler 4/6H

Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece/NSK Quick Coupler 4/6H

Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece/NSK Quick Coupler 4/6H
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece/NSK Quick Coupler 4/6H
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece/NSK Quick Coupler 4/6H
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece/NSK Quick Coupler 4/6H
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece/NSK Quick Coupler 4/6H
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece/NSK Quick Coupler 4/6H
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece/NSK Quick Coupler 4/6H
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece/NSK Quick Coupler 4/6H
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece/NSK Quick Coupler 4/6H
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece/NSK Quick Coupler 4/6H
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece/NSK Quick Coupler 4/6H
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece/NSK Quick Coupler 4/6H

Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece/NSK Quick Coupler 4/6H
Dental High/Fast Speed/E-generator LED/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece/4&6Hole Quick Coupler fit NSK. This is a dental High Speed turbine handpiece which can be used on any global standard equipped dental chair. Its quick coupling connector matches with NSK handpiece of the same model. Fastidiously request for designation, technology and materials. Slide-proof, comfortable to hold and easy to clean. Burs would be easily changed with the push-button. Offering a better eyeshot and angle, improving your efficiency. High density cartridge, with high cutting efficiency but less vibration and noise. Both handpiece and quick coupling are autoclavable. Should be professionally used by dentists to diagnose, cure and operate on patients’ teeth. Chuck type : Push Button 2. Working air pressure 0.25MPA 3. Rotate Speed:250,000-350,000 r. Air Pressure:0.22-0.3 MPa Water pressure: 0.1-0.2MPA 5. Chucking power:>30N 6. Applicable Bur:? 1.595-? 1.600 7. Head diameter :? 10.3MM Handpiece hight : 11.7MM. Instead of extra supply. Clear view with day-light LED. Fit NSK 4 Hole Quick Coupler. Head size:Ø 10.6 H14. Bur size:Ø 1.6. Torque:0.18 -0.21 Nm. Air Pressure:0.22- 2.5 MPa. Rotate speed:300,000 – 400,000 r. SANDENT/SKYSEA Fiber Optic LED. This is a dental Fiber Optic High Speed turbine handpiece which. Chuck type : Push Button. Air Pressure:0.22-0.3 MPa. Applicable Bur:? 1.595-? 1.600. Head diameter :? 10.3MM. Handpiece hight : 11.7MM. Tracking info of your parcel is available. The following form is for your reference. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON OUR POLICY AND FEEDBACK. Feedback if you are satisfied with our items. We try to be fair and accurate with all of our product listings and descriptions. If there is a problem, we can work together to resolve it. We strive to always be extremely fair and always try to work with reasonable customers. We will always make every attempt possible to resolve issues if we made a mistake. Please do not assume a mistake is intentional. Let us know if our service could be better! Please repack the item carefully. 510(K) Number: K181691. Regulation Number: 872.4200. Classification Product Code: EFB. Subsequent Product Code: EGS.
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece/NSK Quick Coupler 4/6H
NSK Style Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece 4/6H Coupler

NSK Style Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece 4/6H Coupler

NSK Style Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece 4/6H Coupler
NSK Style Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece 4/6H Coupler
NSK Style Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece 4/6H Coupler
NSK Style Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece 4/6H Coupler
NSK Style Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece 4/6H Coupler

NSK Style Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece 4/6H Coupler
This is a dental High Speed turbine handpiece which can be used on any global standard equipped dental chair. Its quick coupling connector matches with NSK handpiece of the same model. Fastidiously request for designation, technology and materials. Slide-proof, comfortable to hold and easy to clean. Burs would be easily changed with the push-button. Offering a better eyeshot and angle, improving your efficiency. High density cartridge, with high cutting efficiency but less vibration and noise. Both handpiece and quick coupling are autoclavable. Should be professionally used by dentists to diagnose, cure and operate on patients’ teeth. Chuck type : Push Button 2. Working air pressure 0.25MPA 3. Rotate Speed:250,000-350,000 r. Air Pressure:0.22-0.3 MPa Water pressure: 0.1-0.2MPA 5. Chucking power:>30N 6. Applicable Bur:? 1.595-? 1.600 7. Head diameter :? 10.3MM Handpiece hight : 11.7MM. Instead of extra supply. Clear view with day-light LED. Fit NSK 4H Quick Coupler. Head size:ø 10.6 H14. Bur size:ø 1.6. Torque:0.18 -0.21 Nm. Air Pressure:0.22- 2.5 MPa. Rotate speed:300,000 – 400,000 r. This is a dental Fiber Optic High Speed turbine handpiece which. Chuck type : Push Button. Air Pressure:0.22-0.3 MPa. Applicable Bur:? 1.595-? 1.600. Head diameter :? 10.3MM. Handpiece hight : 11.7MM. This is a dental Fiber Optic High Speed turbine handpiece which is Fit NSK Coupler. Antisuction design:Prevent water or air back to Handpieces. The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U. Food and Drug Administration and state and local regulatory agencies. You feedback is VERY important to us! We strive to exceed all your expectations and put a smile on your face. We stand behind our products and pride ourselves on OUTSTANDING customer service.
NSK Style Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece 4/6H Coupler
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK

Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK

Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK

Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
This is a dental High Speed turbine handpiece which can be used on any global standard equipped dental chair. Its quick coupling connector matches with NSK handpiece of the same model. Fastidiously request for designation, technology and materials. Slide-proof, comfortable to hold and easy to clean. Burs would be easily changed with the push-button. Offering a better eyeshot and angle, improving your efficiency. High density cartridge, with high cutting efficiency but less vibration and noise. Both handpiece and quick coupling are autoclavable. Should be professionally used by dentists to diagnose, cure and operate on patients’ teeth. Chuck type : Push Button 2. Working air pressure 0.25MPA 3. Rotate Speed:250,000-350,000 r. Air Pressure:0.22-0.3 MPa Water pressure: 0.1-0.2MPA 5. Chucking power:>30N 6. Applicable Bur:? 1.595-? 1.600 7. Head diameter :? 10.3MM Handpiece hight : 11.7MM. Instead of extra supply. Clear view with day-light LED. Fit NSK 4H Quick Coupler. Head size:ø 10.6 H14. Bur size:ø 1.6. Torque:0.18 -0.21 Nm. Air Pressure:0.22- 2.5 MPa. Rotate speed:300,000 – 400,000 r. This is a dental Fiber Optic High Speed turbine handpiece which. Chuck type : Push Button. Air Pressure:0.22-0.3 MPa. Applicable Bur:? 1.595-? 1.600. Head diameter :? 10.3MM. Handpiece hight : 11.7MM. The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U. Food and Drug Administration and state and local regulatory agencies. FDA for Curing Light: 510(K) Number: K192233, Regulation Number: 21 CFR 872.6070, Product Code: EBZ. FDA for Handpiece: 510(K) Number: K181691, Regulation Number: 872.4200, Classification Product Code: EFB, Subsequent Product Code: EGS. FDA for Scaler: 510(K) Number: K163414, Regulation Number: 872.4850, Product Code: ELC.
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK

Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK

Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK

Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
This is a dental High Speed turbine handpiece which can be used on any global standard equipped dental chair. Its quick coupling connector matches with NSK handpiece of the same model. Fastidiously request for designation, technology and materials. Slide-proof, comfortable to hold and easy to clean. Burs would be easily changed with the push-button. Offering a better eyeshot and angle, improving your efficiency. High density cartridge, with high cutting efficiency but less vibration and noise. Both handpiece and quick coupling are autoclavable. Should be professionally used by dentists to diagnose, cure and operate on patients’ teeth. Chuck type : Push Button 2. Working air pressure 0.25MPA 3. Rotate Speed:250,000-350,000 r. Air Pressure:0.22-0.3 MPa Water pressure: 0.1-0.2MPA 5. Chucking power:>30N 6. Applicable Bur:? 1.595-? 1.600 7. Head diameter :? 10.3MM Handpiece hight : 11.7MM. Instead of extra supply. Clear view with day-light LED. Fit NSK 4H Quick Coupler. Head size:ø 10.6 H14. Bur size:ø 1.6. Torque:0.18 -0.21 Nm. Air Pressure:0.22- 2.5 MPa. Rotate speed:300,000 – 400,000 r. This is a dental Fiber Optic High Speed turbine handpiece which. Chuck type : Push Button. Air Pressure:0.22-0.3 MPa. Applicable Bur:? 1.595-? 1.600. Head diameter :? 10.3MM. Handpiece hight : 11.7MM. The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U. Food and Drug Administration and state and local regulatory agencies. FDA for Curing Light: 510(K) Number: K192233, Regulation Number: 21 CFR 872.6070, Product Code: EBZ. FDA for Handpiece: 510(K) Number: K181691, Regulation Number: 872.4200, Classification Product Code: EFB, Subsequent Product Code: EGS. FDA for Scaler: 510(K) Number: K163414, Regulation Number: 872.4850, Product Code: ELC.
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK

Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK

Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK

Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
This is a dental High Speed turbine handpiece which can be used on any global standard equipped dental chair. Its quick coupling connector matches with NSK handpiece of the same model. Fastidiously request for designation, technology and materials. Slide-proof, comfortable to hold and easy to clean. Burs would be easily changed with the push-button. Offering a better eyeshot and angle, improving your efficiency. High density cartridge, with high cutting efficiency but less vibration and noise. Both handpiece and quick coupling are autoclavable. Should be professionally used by dentists to diagnose, cure and operate on patients’ teeth. Chuck type : Push Button 2. Working air pressure 0.25MPA 3. Rotate Speed:250,000-350,000 r. Air Pressure:0.22-0.3 MPa Water pressure: 0.1-0.2MPA 5. Chucking power:>30N 6. Applicable Bur:? 1.595-? 1.600 7. Head diameter :? 10.3MM Handpiece hight : 11.7MM. Instead of extra supply. Clear view with day-light LED. Fit NSK 4H Quick Coupler. Head size:ø 10.6 H14. Bur size:ø 1.6. Torque:0.18 -0.21 Nm. Air Pressure:0.22- 2.5 MPa. Rotate speed:300,000 – 400,000 r. This is a dental Fiber Optic High Speed turbine handpiece which. Chuck type : Push Button. Air Pressure:0.22-0.3 MPa. Applicable Bur:? 1.595-? 1.600. Head diameter :? 10.3MM. Handpiece hight : 11.7MM. The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U. Food and Drug Administration and state and local regulatory agencies. FDA for Curing Light: 510(K) Number: K192233, Regulation Number: 21 CFR 872.6070, Product Code: EBZ. FDA for Handpiece: 510(K) Number: K181691, Regulation Number: 872.4200, Classification Product Code: EFB, Subsequent Product Code: EGS. FDA for Scaler: 510(K) Number: K163414, Regulation Number: 872.4850, Product Code: ELC.
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK