Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK

Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK

Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK

Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
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Cs-list-col11>li{width:9.09%;padding-left:12px}. Cs-list-col12>li{width:8.33%;padding-left:10px}. Cs-list>liwidth:33.33%! Cover:after{display:block;content:”;padding-top:100%;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:cover;background-position:center}. Cs-list a{text-decoration:none}. Title{color:#333;margin:5px 0}. Title:after{display:block;display:-webkit-box;-webkit-line-clamp:2;-webkit-box-orient:vertical;font-size:14px;line-height:1.4em;height:2.8em;overflow:hidden;white-space:normal;word-break:break-word;-webkit-hyphens:auto;-ms-hyphens:auto;hyphens:auto}. Plus{height:20px;overflow:hidden}. Price:after{content:”;font-size:14px}. Origin{margin-left:3px;font-size:12px;color:#AAA}. Origin:after{display:none;content:”;text-decoration:line-through}. Coupon{display:none;width:60px;height:60px;border-radius:50%;background:rgba(224,13,12.8);color:#FFF;position:absolute;top:10px;right:10px;text-align:center;padding-top:12px;box-sizing:border-box}. Coupon:before{content:”;font-size:20px}. Coupon:after{content:’Off';font-size:12px;position:absolute;bottom:8px;right:12px}. Title{min-height:12px}p:empty+hr{display:none}hr+span. Dc_tracker_img{display:none}#ds_div>. Dc_tracker_img:last-of-type{display:block} [data-lid=”381476762399″]. Title:after{content:’10 Pcs Seasky Dental High Speed Turbine Handpiece Push 4Hole Fit NSK PANA MAX CE’}[data-lid=”381476762399″]. Coupon:before{content:’50%’} [data-lid=”223563227687″]. Title:after{content:’NSK Style Dental Slow Low Speed Air Motor Handpiece E-Type 4Hole Yabangbang’}[data-lid=”223563227687″]. Coupon:before{content:’50%’} [data-lid=”190777047568″]. Title:after{content:’Dental Detachable Handpiece for Woodpecker EMS Ultrasonic Scaler HW-3H CE’}[data-lid=”190777047568″]. Coupon:before{content:’50%’} [data-lid=”200701358017″]. Title:after{content:’5Dental Low slow Speed Contra Angle handpiece Latch 1:1 attach Fit NSK SEASKY’}[data-lid=”200701358017″]. Coupon:before{content:’50%’} [data-lid=”200745426850″]. Title:after{content:’Yabangbang Dental High Speed Turbine Handpiece with 4 Hole Quick Coupler fit NSK’}[data-lid=”200745426850″]. Coupon:before{content:’50%’} [data-lid=”190494663418″]. Title:after{content:’10pcs USA NSK Style Dental High Fast Speed Handpiece Push Standard 4 Hole SEASKY’}[data-lid=”190494663418″]. Coupon:before{content:’50%’} [data-lid=”200605237075″]. Title:after{content:’10Seasky Dental High Speed Turbine Wrench Handpiece Push 4Hole fit NSK Pana Max’}[data-lid=”200605237075″]. Coupon:before{content:’50%’} [data-lid=”190515850526″]. Title:after{content:’Dental Woodpecker iLed Style Curing Light 3 Second Resin Cure Lamp Cordless LED’}[data-lid=”190515850526″]. Coupon:before{content:’20%’} [data-lid=”190754595317″]. Title:after{content:’US Dental Lab fit Marathon Electric Micro Motor 35000 RPM Handpiece Polishing N3′}[data-lid=”190754595317″]. Coupon:before{content:’20%’} [data-lid=”190475649350″]. Title:after{content:’10X Turbina Dental High Speed Handpiece Surgical Turbine 4 Hole Fit NSK SEASKY’}[data-lid=”190475649350″]. Coupon:before{content:’20%’} [data-lid=”190857816821″]. Title:after{content:’Wireless Dental Intraoral Oral Camera HD 1080p WIFI Endoscope Teeth Mirror IP67′}[data-lid=”190857816821″]. Title:after{content:’10 Pcs Seasky Dental NSK Style High Speed Turbine Handpiece 2 Holes Borden USA’}[data-lid=”200902476907″]. Title:after{content:’USA Dental Fiber Optic LED E-generator High Speed Turbine Handpiece 2Hole Borden’}[data-lid=”200753039234″]. Coupon:before{content:’42%’} [data-lid=”190666384928″]. Title:after{content:’Dental Lab Marathon-III Electric Micromotor +Contra Angle Straight Handpiece SA’}[data-lid=”190666384928″]. Coupon:before{content:’20%’} [data-lid=”190508579233″]. Title:after{content:’4-Holes Dental Inner Water Spray Low Slow Speed Air Motor Handpiece E-type WY4′}[data-lid=”190508579233″]. Title:after{content:’Dental Lab MARATHON Micromotor Polisher w/ 35K RPM Polishing Handpiece 35,000 SA’}[data-lid=”190668645751″]. Coupon:before{content:’20%’} [data-lid=”200768725053″]. Title:after{content:’Dental Lab Marathon Electric Micromotor Polishing Unit + 35K rpm Motor Handpiece’}[data-lid=”200768725053″]. Coupon:before{content:’50%’} [data-lid=”221912567147″]. Title:after{content:’Dental LED Ultrasonic Scaler Handpiece HW-5L Detachable For Woodpecker/EMS kv’}[data-lid=”221912567147″]. Title:after{content:’USA Dental Fiber Optic LED E-generator High Speed Turbine Handpiece 4 Hole UDM4′}[data-lid=”190509980005″]. Coupon:before{content:’50%’} [data-lid=”200712517064″]. Title:after{content:’Dental Lab Marathon-III Electric Micromotor +Contra Angle Straight Handpiece KY’}[data-lid=”200712517064″]. Coupon:before{content:’50%’} [data-lid=”200578909360″]. Title:after{content:’Dental Lab MARATHON-III Micromotor Electric 35K RPM Polishing Handpiece For N3′}[data-lid=”200578909360″]. Coupon:before{content:’50%’} [data-lid=”190776546143″]. Title:after{content:’Dental Occlusal Mirror Fog Free LED Intra Oral Photo System 4Mirrors Anti-Fog d’}[data-lid=”190776546143″]. Title:after{content:’10 Turbina Dental High Speed Handpiece Surgical Turbine 4 Hole Fit NSK Pana Max’}[data-lid=”190490985142″]. Coupon:before{content:’20%’} [data-lid=”200701335981″]. Title:after{content:’10 Pcs Seasky NSK PANA MAX Style Dental High Speed Turbine Handpiece Push 4Hole’}[data-lid=”200701335981″]. Coupon:before{content:’50%’} [data-lid=”225574185403″]. Title:after{content:’NSK Style Dental High Speed Handpiece Turbine/ Quick Coupler Midwest 4Hole UK’}[data-lid=”225574185403″]. Title:after{content:’Kavo Style Dental LED E-generator High Speed Turbine Handpiece / 4H Coupler UK’}[data-lid=”204334664823″]. Title:after{content:’Dental Fiber Optic LED E-generator Turbine Handpiece /4 Hole Quick Coupler YDKKM’}[data-lid=”225574154331″]. Title:after{content:’NSK Style Dental Inner Low Speed Straight Nosecone Handpiece Air Motor 4 Hole UK’}[data-lid=”385594719658″]. Title:after{content:’Dental Fiber Optic LED Air Turbine Handpiece 6 Hole Quick Coupler fit Kav UK’}[data-lid=”225565639436″]. Title:after{content:’NSK Style Dental High Speed Turbine Handpiece Push Big Head 2/4Hole Cartridge UK’}[data-lid=”385594548012″]. Title:after{content:’NSK Style Dental Inner(LED) Slow Low Speed Contra Angle Handpiece Push E-type UK’}[data-lid=”204325667938″]. Title:after{content:’5NSK Style Dental Slow Low Speed Contra Angle Handpiece E-Type Latch Black UK’}[data-lid=”385580324884″]. Title:after{content:’1-20Dental 4 Hole Quick Coupler for E-generator LED Turbine Handpiece YDKKM UK’}[data-lid=”385580012340″]. Title:after{content:’NSK Style Dental Low Slow Speed Handpiece Air Motor E-type 4 Hole EP4 UK’}[data-lid=”204320680871″]. Title:after{content:’Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece/4H-6H Coupler SANDENT UK’}[data-lid=”204320626295″]. Title:after{content:’KAV Style Dental Low Speed Handpiece Kit Contra Angle Straight Air Motor 4H UK’}[data-lid=”204320529943″]. Title:after{content:’Dental Ultrasonic Piezo Scaler LED Handpiece 2Bottles 5Tips fit Cavitron EMS UK’}[data-lid=”385577737379″]. Title:after{content:’Kav Style Dental Fiber Optic LED Air Turbine Handpiece E-generator 2/4 Hole UK’}[data-lid=”204316558297″]. Title:after{content:’LED E-Generator Fiber Optic High Speed Handpiece w/ 4H Coupler Fit KAV YDKKM UK’}[data-lid=”204316505520″]. Title:after{content:’Dental Internal 1:5 (LED) Contra Angle Handpiece for KAV NSK w/ Red Rings UK’}[data-lid=”225549568046″]. Title:after{content:’Kav Style Dental Fiber Optic LED Turbine Handpiece / Quick Coupler 4/6 Hole UK’}[data-lid=”225549543176″]. Title:aftercontent:’Dental Apex Locator Endodontic Root Canal Finder 4.5\\.
Dental High Speed/E-generator/Fiber Optic LED Handpiece Fit NSK 4&6H Coupling UK
BEING Dental Handpiece High Speed Turbine Mini KaVo MULTIflex Coupling 4 Holes

BEING Dental Handpiece High Speed Turbine Mini KaVo MULTIflex Coupling 4 Holes

BEING Dental Handpiece High Speed Turbine Mini KaVo MULTIflex Coupling 4 Holes
BEING Dental Handpiece High Speed Turbine Mini KaVo MULTIflex Coupling 4 Holes
BEING Dental Handpiece High Speed Turbine Mini KaVo MULTIflex Coupling 4 Holes
BEING Dental Handpiece High Speed Turbine Mini KaVo MULTIflex Coupling 4 Holes
BEING Dental Handpiece High Speed Turbine Mini KaVo MULTIflex Coupling 4 Holes
BEING Dental Handpiece High Speed Turbine Mini KaVo MULTIflex Coupling 4 Holes
BEING Dental Handpiece High Speed Turbine Mini KaVo MULTIflex Coupling 4 Holes
BEING Dental Handpiece High Speed Turbine Mini KaVo MULTIflex Coupling 4 Holes
BEING Dental Handpiece High Speed Turbine Mini KaVo MULTIflex Coupling 4 Holes
BEING Dental Handpiece High Speed Turbine Mini KaVo MULTIflex Coupling 4 Holes
BEING Dental Handpiece High Speed Turbine Mini KaVo MULTIflex Coupling 4 Holes
BEING Dental Handpiece High Speed Turbine Mini KaVo MULTIflex Coupling 4 Holes

BEING Dental Handpiece High Speed Turbine Mini KaVo MULTIflex Coupling 4 Holes
BEING Dental Handpiece High Speed Turbine Mini KaVo MULTIflex Coupling 4 Holes. 303PQ-K Handpiece No Fiber Optic. BEING high speed handpiece K MULTIflex without light. With ceramic bearings and well balanced rotors. Anti-retraction clean head system. 302 series with big torque head (12.513.02mm). 303 series with standard head (10.812.1mm). Speed: 300,000-380,000rpm (302 series big torque head). 300,000-450,000rpm (303 series standard head). Noise: less than 70db. 4 Hole MULTIflex Coupler (without Light). Similar with K MULTIflex 465RN. With 4 hole standard connection. Rotary ring spray regulation with multiple indent locking posisitions.
BEING Dental Handpiece High Speed Turbine Mini KaVo MULTIflex Coupling 4 Holes
Dental Lab High Speed Amalgamator Digital Capsule Mixer Electric Amalgamator New

Dental Lab High Speed Amalgamator Digital Capsule Mixer Electric Amalgamator New

Dental Lab High Speed Amalgamator Digital Capsule Mixer Electric Amalgamator New
Dental Lab High Speed Amalgamator Digital Capsule Mixer Electric Amalgamator New
Dental Lab High Speed Amalgamator Digital Capsule Mixer Electric Amalgamator New
Dental Lab High Speed Amalgamator Digital Capsule Mixer Electric Amalgamator New
Dental Lab High Speed Amalgamator Digital Capsule Mixer Electric Amalgamator New
Dental Lab High Speed Amalgamator Digital Capsule Mixer Electric Amalgamator New
Dental Lab High Speed Amalgamator Digital Capsule Mixer Electric Amalgamator New
Dental Lab High Speed Amalgamator Digital Capsule Mixer Electric Amalgamator New

Dental Lab High Speed Amalgamator Digital Capsule Mixer Electric Amalgamator New
Dental Lab High Speed Amalgamator Digital Capsule Mixer Electric Amalgamator New. Electric Amalgamator Dental Amalgamator Digital Capsule Mixer High Speed. NOTE:Use a screwdriver couunterclockwise to remove the red fixed screws under the device, before you running the machine. The switch is a green one at the back of device. Turn on the switch, the display will be on, then the power is on. The number shown on the screen is mixing time. 2 Digital controller of both time and speed. It is in the front panel. Start the device once, it works once. If pause needed, just keep pressing the Start button for 3 seconds. Once, it works once. If pause needed, press the button too. Safety lid and capsule clip: open the safety lid, fit the amalga capsule, glass ionomer. Or other material into the clip, while working, the safety lid must be closed. France, Germany, spain, Italy. Feedback is very important to us. It is impossible to address issues if we do not know about them! Please keep the original box or packaging within 15days since item received. Your satisfaction is our ultimate goal. We work hard to earn your trust and future business. A If you receive a defective item, you may return it or ask for a discount. Due to time zones, our reply to your questions may not be immediately. If it’s non-workdays, please kindly be patient and wait till Monday.
Dental Lab High Speed Amalgamator Digital Capsule Mixer Electric Amalgamator New
COXO Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Handpiece 4/6H Coupler Fit Kavo MULTIflex NSK

COXO Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Handpiece 4/6H Coupler Fit Kavo MULTIflex NSK

COXO Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Handpiece 4/6H Coupler Fit Kavo MULTIflex NSK
COXO Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Handpiece 4/6H Coupler Fit Kavo MULTIflex NSK
COXO Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Handpiece 4/6H Coupler Fit Kavo MULTIflex NSK
COXO Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Handpiece 4/6H Coupler Fit Kavo MULTIflex NSK
COXO Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Handpiece 4/6H Coupler Fit Kavo MULTIflex NSK
COXO Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Handpiece 4/6H Coupler Fit Kavo MULTIflex NSK
COXO Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Handpiece 4/6H Coupler Fit Kavo MULTIflex NSK
COXO Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Handpiece 4/6H Coupler Fit Kavo MULTIflex NSK
COXO Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Handpiece 4/6H Coupler Fit Kavo MULTIflex NSK
COXO Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Handpiece 4/6H Coupler Fit Kavo MULTIflex NSK

COXO Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Handpiece 4/6H Coupler Fit Kavo MULTIflex NSK
COXO Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Handpiece 4/6H Coupler Fit Kavo MULTIflex NSK. Lastest upgraded model, new integrated head Germany bearings, durable and silent All cartridges passed the Germany dynamic balance machine test. With COXO’s new logo YUSENDENT. Fiber optic 6 hole. KaVo MULTIflex LUX LED Coupler/ NSK Phatelus LED Coupler/RQ Coupler. CX207-GK/GN/GW-SPQ with standard head (head diameter 11.2mm). CX207-GK/GN/GW-TPQ with big torque head (head diameter 12mm). GW: Roto Quick Coupling. For Kavo® MULTiflex® LUX. CX207-GK-SPQ Handpiece, (Standard Head). CX207-GK-SPQ + 106KE 4 Hole Self Power Coupling, (Standard Head). CX207-GK-SPQ + 6 Hole LED Coupling, (Standard Head). CX207-GK-TPQ Handpiece, (Big Torque Head). CX207-GK-TPQ + 106KE 4 Hole Self Power Coupling, (Big Torque Head). CX207-GK-TPQ + 6 Hole LED Coupling, (Big Torque Head). CX229-GK KaVo MULTIfelx LED Coupling 6 Pin. 106KE 4 Hole Self Power KaVo MULTIfelx LED Coupling. CX207-GN-SPQ Handpiece, (Standard Head). CX207-GN-SPQ + PTL-E M4 4 Hole Self Power Coupling, (Standard Head). CX207-GN-SPQ + 6 Hole LED Coupling, (Standard Head). CX207-GN-TPQ Handpiece, (Big Torque Head). CX207-GN-TPQ + PTL-E M4 4 Hole Self Power Coupling, (Big Torque Head). CX207-GN-TPQ + 6 Hole LED Coupling, (Big Torque Head). CX229-GN NSK Phatelus LED Coupling 6 Pin. PTL-E M4 4 Hole Self Power NSK Phatelus LED Coupling. For W Roto Quick. CX207-GW-SPQ Handpiece , (Standard Head). CX207-GW-SPQ + 6 Hole Coupling , (Standard Head). CX207-GW-TPQ Handpiece, (Big Torque Head). CX207-GW-TPQ + 6 Hole Coupling, (Big Torque Head). W/H Roto Quick Coupling 6 Pin. Fiber Optic High Speed Handpiece. Brand: YUSENDNET, with COXO’S new logo “YUSENDENT”. The cartridge with the imported bearing, Long life, low noise and stable. Balanced impeller, Cartridge passed the Germany dynamic balance machine test to ensure that the high-speed operation is stable. Fiber Optic, Powerful LED, give you better vision. The customized LED bulb and optic fiber has the highly brightness and natural color. Quick coupling design, easy to replace handpiece. Two sizes of the head for your choice, standard head and big torque head, which is suitable for the different working scenes. The upgraded one-piece head is precisely processed by the professional CNC equipment to ensure that the head is not deformed. The size and position of inlet and output holes are accurate. 3 way spray, 3 air clean head system, Head and cartridge with anti-dust structure. The head with three-way air and dustproof structure design avoids dust particles into the head, which extends the life of the cartridge. 3 ways sprays, efficient cooling. They are working well after hundreds of high-temperature and high-pressure sterilization, and last for more than 10, 000 hours. Graceful body, Simple, easy clean, easy control. Chuck type: push button. Head Size:? 12.2 mm x13.4 mm (Big Torque Head). 11.2mm x 13.4mm (Standard Head). Rotation speed: 300,000rpm. Bur applicable: 01.59-01.6mm x 21-23mm. Work voltage: 2.9v-3.2v. (KaVo MULTIflex 4 Hole Self Power Coupler). 4 holes standard connections. Built in mini E generator, self power. Rotary ring spray regulation with multible indent locking positions. The following items are pluggable on a MULTIflex coupling. All KaVo turbines with MULTIflex connection. KaVo SONICflex LINE for minimally invasive treatments. KaVo PROPHYflex 3 for professional tooth cleaning. KaVo CORONAflex for easy removal of crowns and bridges. All KaVo INTRAflex LUX motor instruments. KaVo DiaLUX probe for diagnosis. KaVo air motor 181M (only MULTIflex couplings without light) and hence all KaVo contra-angles and handpieces. KaVo MULTI-FINEair: the micro air dryer for finest cavities and canal. CX229-GK 6Pin LED Coupling. KAVO MULTIflex LUX 456 LED Style. 6 pin with LED light. 360 angle water adjustable. PTL-LED M4 4 Hole Self Power NSK Phatelus Type Coupler. Built in E Generator, self power. NSK Phatelus handpiece fit. LED imcorporated in coupling. With 6 Pin connection. And other item with NSK phatelus connection. CX229-GN 6Pin LED Coupling. Similar with NSK Phatelus PTL-CL-LED. For NSK Phatelus / Mach style. 6 Hole, Fiber Optic Coupling. RQ LED Quick Coupling style. Easy to load or unload the handpiece from the tubing of the dental unit. With Germany closed bearings. Fit COXO or YUSENDENT. CX207-G series, H16-KSPQ, H16-NSPQ, H16-SSPQ, H16-WSPQ. CX207-F series, H15-SP4, H15-SP2, H15-SPQ. CX207-W series, H17-SP4, H17-SP2, H17-SPQ. CX207-C series, H17-1SP4, H17-1SP2, H17-2SP4, H17-2SP2, H17-3SP4, H17-3SP2, H17-4SP4, H17-4SP2, H17-5SP4, H17-5SP2. Big Torque Spare Rotor. CX207-G series, H16-KTPQ, H16-NTPQ, H16-STPQ, H16-WTPQ. CX207-F series, H15-TP4, H15-TP2, H15-TPQ. CX207-W series, H17-TP4, H17-TP2, H17-TPQ. CX207-C series, H17-1TP4, H17-1TP2, H17-2TP4, H17-2TP2, H17-3TP4, H17-3TP2, H17-4TP4, H17-4TP2, H17-5TP4, H17-5TP2. The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U. Food and Drug Administration and state and local regulatory agencies. City State: Zhengzhou, Henan China.
COXO Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Handpiece 4/6H Coupler Fit Kavo MULTIflex NSK
Dental Amalgamator High Speed Digital Capsule Mixer Electric Lab Amalgamator 35W

Dental Amalgamator High Speed Digital Capsule Mixer Electric Lab Amalgamator 35W

Dental Amalgamator High Speed Digital Capsule Mixer Electric Lab Amalgamator 35W
Dental Amalgamator High Speed Digital Capsule Mixer Electric Lab Amalgamator 35W
Dental Amalgamator High Speed Digital Capsule Mixer Electric Lab Amalgamator 35W

Dental Amalgamator High Speed Digital Capsule Mixer Electric Lab Amalgamator 35W
1 Switch: The switch is a green one at the back of device. Turn on the switch, the display will be on, then the power is on. The number shown on the screen is mixing time. 2 Digital controller of both time and speed: it is in the front panel. 3 Start/stop: Start the device once, it works once. If pause needed, just keep pressing the Start button for 3 seconds. Once, it works once. If pause needed, press the button too. 4 Safety lid and capsule clip: open the safety lid, fit the amalga capsule, glass ionomer or other material into the clip, while working, the safety lid must be closed. Digital Dental Lab High Speed Electric Amalgamator Digital Capsule Mixer 220V. Electric Amalgamator Dental Amalgamator Digital Capsule Mixer High Speed. NOTE:Use a screwdriver couunterclockwise to remove the red fixed screws under the device, before you running the machine. The switch is a green one at the back of device. 2 Digital controller of both time and speed. It is in the front panel. Start the device once, it works once. Safety lid and capsule clip: open the safety lid, fit the amalga capsule, glass ionomer. Or other material into the clip, while working, the safety lid must be closed. France, Germany, spain, Italy. Feedback is very important to us. It is impossible to address issues if we do not know about them! Please keep the original box or packaging within 15days since item received. Your satisfaction is our ultimate goal. We work hard to earn your trust and future business. A If you receive a defective item, you may return it or ask for a discount. Due to time zones, our reply to your questions may not be immediately. If it’s non-workdays, please kindly be patient and wait till Monday.
Dental Amalgamator High Speed Digital Capsule Mixer Electric Lab Amalgamator 35W
COXO Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Handpiece 6Holes Coupling Fit KaVo MULTIflex

COXO Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Handpiece 6Holes Coupling Fit KaVo MULTIflex

COXO Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Handpiece 6Holes Coupling Fit KaVo MULTIflex
COXO Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Handpiece 6Holes Coupling Fit KaVo MULTIflex
COXO Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Handpiece 6Holes Coupling Fit KaVo MULTIflex
COXO Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Handpiece 6Holes Coupling Fit KaVo MULTIflex
COXO Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Handpiece 6Holes Coupling Fit KaVo MULTIflex
COXO Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Handpiece 6Holes Coupling Fit KaVo MULTIflex
COXO Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Handpiece 6Holes Coupling Fit KaVo MULTIflex
COXO Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Handpiece 6Holes Coupling Fit KaVo MULTIflex
COXO Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Handpiece 6Holes Coupling Fit KaVo MULTIflex
COXO Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Handpiece 6Holes Coupling Fit KaVo MULTIflex
COXO Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Handpiece 6Holes Coupling Fit KaVo MULTIflex

COXO Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Handpiece 6Holes Coupling Fit KaVo MULTIflex
COXO Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Handpiece 6Holes Coupling Fit KaVo MULTIflex. Models to choose: CX207-GK-SP (Standard Head) CX207-GK-TP(Big Torque Head) CX229-GK (6Hole LED Coupler fit KaVo) LED Bulb for KAVO LED Coupler CX210-C-SP (Standard Head Cartridge Spare Rotor) CX210-C-TP(Big Torque Cartridge Spare Rotor). Features: CE Certificated Standard 6 hole Quick Coupling Swivel CX229-GK High speed handpiece Six way Spray Compatible with KAVO MULTIFLEX LUX Quick Coupling Rotation speed:? 300,000rpm Air pressure at the back end of HP: 0.25-0.27Mpa. Chuck type: Push button Bur applicable:? 1.59mm? 1.6mm×21mm23mm (diameter×length) Noise:? 68dB. Bearing: Myonic Brand Bearings. With good quality, low noise and durable. Turbine: All turbines are Dynamically balanced by Germany Balancing Machine. Upgraded 6 way spray for better cooling (3 water + 3 air). Made by: COXO 6 Holes (Pin) LED bulb in the coupling Fiber Optic Quick Coupling Fit For KaVo® MULTIfelx®LUX 360 degree adjustor For COXO/YUSENDENT CX207-GK-SP/CX207-GK-SPQ/CX207-GK-TP/CX207-GK-TPQ Handpiece. Due to the difference between different monitors, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. Please understand, Thank you! The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U. Food and Drug Administration and state and local regulatory agencies. International Buyers – Please Note. We believe that everything could be solved by communication. Our guarantee does not cover accidental damage or wear of product caused by customer. Thank you very much for your understanding! If you have any problems, we are very glad to help you. For the functional products in our shop (such as: Chargers, Data cables), which function is the same as description, but the actual color and shape may look a little different from pictures because of the technical improvement and actual stock state.
COXO Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Handpiece 6Holes Coupling Fit KaVo MULTIflex
Dental Capsule Amalgamator High Speed Digital Silver Mercury Mixer 4200rpm UK

Dental Capsule Amalgamator High Speed Digital Silver Mercury Mixer 4200rpm UK

Dental Capsule Amalgamator High Speed Digital Silver Mercury Mixer 4200rpm UK
Dental Capsule Amalgamator High Speed Digital Silver Mercury Mixer 4200rpm UK
Dental Capsule Amalgamator High Speed Digital Silver Mercury Mixer 4200rpm UK
Dental Capsule Amalgamator High Speed Digital Silver Mercury Mixer 4200rpm UK
Dental Capsule Amalgamator High Speed Digital Silver Mercury Mixer 4200rpm UK
Dental Capsule Amalgamator High Speed Digital Silver Mercury Mixer 4200rpm UK
Dental Capsule Amalgamator High Speed Digital Silver Mercury Mixer 4200rpm UK

Dental Capsule Amalgamator High Speed Digital Silver Mercury Mixer 4200rpm UK
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Dental Capsule Amalgamator High Speed Digital Silver Mercury Mixer 4200rpm UK
30W Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Turbine FIT 8000B For KaVo MULTIflex Coupling

30W Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Turbine FIT 8000B For KaVo MULTIflex Coupling

30W Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Turbine FIT 8000B For KaVo MULTIflex Coupling

30W Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Turbine FIT 8000B For KaVo MULTIflex Coupling
30W Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Handpiece FIT KaVo GENTLESilence 8000B. Rotor FIT Original KaVo GENTLESilence 8000B. For Original KaVo MULTIFlex Coupler. 3: Push Button Chunk System. 4: Imported high quality fiber optic, long life. 8: Clean head System. 9: Japanese Fiber optic rod. This list doesn’t include KaVo MULTIFlex Coupler. Designed and marked with Ponis!
30W Dental High Speed Fiber Optic Turbine FIT 8000B For KaVo MULTIflex Coupling